SPARC Training

Training Options for SPARC

Directions for Logging on

Did you email in a request to the SPARC Team

asking for SPARC access for your WIEXT ID?

  • If YES, and the SPARC team has responded that you now have SPARC access, you can log in using the WIEXT ID/Username you indicated on the request form.
  • If NO, you need to complete Authorization form found at Follow instructions on the form.
  • If YES but you haven't heard back, or are unsure, contact SPARC Team

Do you log into other systems such as RMS, RMTS OR KIDS with this WIEXT ID?

  • You may be able to use the same log in and password that you use for those systems, but will still need to first complete the Authorization form linked above.

URL for SPARC Portal log in

Are you still having issues logging in after verifying that your SPARC access has been set up by the SPARC Team?

SPARC Training Documents

Using SPARC and Cost Pools

Ad Hoc SPARC Website Report Guide

SPARC Document Upload Instructions

Questions? Contact