W-2 and Related SPARC Codes 2020

Each W-2 Agency reports costs for the reimbursement codes reflective of their accounting records maintained in accordance with their established accounting method that meets the standards set by GAAP and/or the OMB Circulars. The reporting method must be consistently followed throughout the contract period.

Category Contract Code Contract Code Description Line Code Line Code Description Definition and Examples of Allocatable Activities
Related Program 0133 Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance Administration 0133 Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance Administration Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance Administration costs: Report all expenditures associated with determining eligibility for cash and medical benefits for refugees and referring refugees to employment and training services, including any cost for interpretation for these functions. Allowable expenditures include but are not limited to; the costs of staff, rent, supervision, management, benefit issuance and financial management in accordance with cost allocation. Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff determining eligibility and referring refugees to services. This SPARC Code does not include the costs of case management or employment and training activities; the employment and training program must cover these costs. Reimbursement will be based on the availability of federal funds.
Related Program 0134 Refugee Cash Assistance 0134 Refugee Cash Assistance Refugee Cash Payments: Report the amount of all Refugee Cash Assistance payments for eligible refugees, those who are in the US twelve months or less and who meet all program eligibility requirements. (See the BRP Policy Manual, Chapter 5.)
Related Program 0134 Refugee Cash Assistance 0135 Refugee Cash Assistance Overpayment Refugee Cash Overpayments: Report the amount of Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) benefit overpayment recovered by the W-2 Contractor for the RCA portion of the W-2 and Related Programs contract from current or previous RCA refugees. Recovery of RCA overpayments can be made for reasons such as client fraud, client misunderstanding error, agency administrative error, dual cash benefit payments (e.g. SSI, Kinship Care), or the discovery of unreported changes in exemption status. See the BRP Policy Manual Chapter 5 for more details.  Overpayment recovery for RCA cases is limited to a maximum of one year from the date of RCA case closure. Report the recovered RCA overpayment as a negative number in SPARC Code 0135.  SPARC Code 0135 negative amounts will be applied at State accounting level to SPARC Code 0134: Refugee Cash Assistance Payments
Related Program 0136 Refugee Medical Assistance Administration 0136 Refugee Medical Assistance Administration  
W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2200 W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2109 W-2 TANF Eligibility Expenses

Report costs related to determination of TANF eligibility for the W-2 program and Job Access Loans. Eligibility determination activities are limited to the collection and review of demographic, financial and non-financial information necessary to determine whether families are eligible for W-2 services and/or Job Access Loans. Eligibility determination activities also include entry of eligibility information into the CARES system.
 Assessment of eligible parents for placement in the W-2 program is a case management activity and not an eligibility determination activity. If both eligibility and assessment information is collected, reviewed or entered into CARES at the same time, the agency must allocate part of the cost to W-2 eligibility determination and part of the cost to the appropriate W-2 service activity, such as SPARC Code 2208.

 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff determining eligibility.
 For Job Access Loan (JAL) applicants, costs related to calculation of the JAL amount and disbursement of the JAL to the applicant or service provider must be reported under JAL Case Management SPARC Code 2225.

W-2 Cost Reimbursement



W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2120 W-2 Administration Reports costs associated with the general operation of the organization and are not directly related to direct services. Examples of costs related to support of the organization include salaries of executive management, human resources, and accounting, insurance and depreciation.  This includes all administrative expenses associated with CP and NCP TEMP.
W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2200 W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2142 W-2 Client Fraud and Prevention

W-2 Client Fraud and Prevention:  Report costs related to W-2 parent fraud prevention and investigation services. Examples of fraud prevention and investigation costs include:
 1. Reviewing W-2 parent data matches;
 2. Payment integrity monitoring;
 3. Fraud prevention efforts;
 4. Front End Verification
 5. Internal investigation services;
 6. Contracted investigation services;
 7. W-2 client overpayment determinations.
 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff providing fraud prevention and investigation.

 The W-2 agency may conduct joint prevention and fraud investigation activities with income maintenance agencies and purchase fraud services from income maintenance agencies or fraud service providers. If the W-2 agency participates in joint fraud activities, the cost of the fraud activity must be divided equally among all benefiting programs that participated in the joint activity.

 When asked by another agency, the W-2 agency should agree to a joint fraud investigation unless the potential fraud has no effect on W-2 eligibility. The W-2 agency should not stop or delay a W-2 fraud investigation if another agency does not agree to a joint fraud investigation.

W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2200 W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2208 W-2 Work Activities  Report costs for W-2 eligible parents who have been placed in a W-2 employment position or are receiving case management services for the following activities:
 1. Providing W-2 orientation, conducting informal assessments, developing an employability plan, determining the need for accommodations and support services, and providing appropriate case management.
 2. Drug tests required for applicants and eligible parents with a convicted drug felony.
 3. Conducting Fact Finding Reviews and participating in Administrative Hearings for W-2 eligible parents.
 4. Conducting individual and group job search, job readiness and motivation, employment counseling, job clubs, dissemination of labor market information to participants.
 5. Assigning an individual to a work experience site, including, but not limited to, developing work experience sites, monitoring those sites, meetings with site supervisors to discuss participant progress, and related case management. Include costs associated with skills training directed by the work site employer.
 6. Providing parenting and life skills training.
 Note: Costs related to a Job Developer, or similar title, whose role is to develop employment opportunities, represent the agency at Job Fairs, match individuals to job openings must be reported under SPARC Code XXXX. Activities to develop subsidized employment opportunities for TEMP or NCP TEMP placements must be reported under SPARC codes 2522 or 2525.
W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2200 W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2213 W-2 Formal Assessment

Report all costs related to formal assessments to determine the ability of W-2 parents to participate in the W-2 program. Examples of formal assessments include disability-related assessment, AODA assessments, mental health assessments, and educational assessments such as TABE assessments.
 Allowable costs include the salary, fringe benefits, travel, training, supplies and occupancy for (qualified or In-house) staff performing formal assessments and purchases of formal assessments from service providers.
Vocational Assessments must be charged under SPARC line code 2545.
 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff providing W-2 formal assessment activities.

 When the cost of a needed assessment is not covered by a third-party source, such as Medicaid, the W-2 agency is responsible for paying for the eligible parent’s assessment.

W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2200 W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2215 W-2 Transportation

Transportation: Report any transportation related costs  for W-2 eligible parents obtaining W-2 services under the following SPARC codes.
◾2109- TANF Eligibility Determination
◾2110 - EA Eligibility Determination
◾2208 - W-2 Work Activities
◾2209 - W-2 Education
◾2210 - W-2 Job Skills training
◾2212 - W-2 Retention and Advancement
◾2213 - W-2 Formal Assessments
◾2214 - W-2 Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) Advocacy
◾2241 - W-2 EA Case Management/Other Services
 This includes the value of W-2 transportation services such as transportation allowances, bus tokens, gasoline cards, van services, etc. provided to W-2 parents. In more remote areas, if a W-2 agency cannot obtain any form of public transportation service and elects to operate a van shuttle service for short term assistance of W-2 eligible parents in complying with required W-2 work activities, the agency will use a uniform mileage rate not to exceed the current State allowed mileage rate or a uniform flat rate charge per W-2 person, both of which consider all vehicle use and maintenance costs. No separate reimbursement for vehicle purchase, damage, insurance, maintenance, etc. is allowed in this SPARC Code. Mileage rate charges should be applied per trip mileage versus per person when multiple W-2 eligible parents ride together in the same trip. Also, mileage rate charges should be allocated proportionally for W-2 and non-W-2 users if the vehicle transports both W-2 eligible parents and non W-2 users in the same trip.

 W-2 agencies should use the Medicaid Transportation Broker for transportation of W-2 eligible parents to medical appointments whenever possible.

W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2200 W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2217 W-2 Emergency Payments

Report all W-2 Emergency Payments made to W-2 eligible parents, in accordance with the Department's Policies and Procedures. W-2 Emergency Payments are for eligible W-2 parents who are waiting for their first W-2 benefit payment. W-2 Emergency Payments are one-time payments designed to meet the W-2 participant's emergency financial need at the beginning of a W-2 episode, and are not an additional or auxiliary W-2 benefit payment.

 Note: W-2 Emergency Payments and Emergency Assistance Payments are two different payments. This SPARC Code is exclusively for W-2 Emergency Payments. See SPARC Code 2328 for more information on Emergency Assistance Payments

W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2200 W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2220 W-2 Work Subsidies Report employer subsidy costs for all subsidized jobs (e.g. Trial Job positions). A Trial Job subsidy must not exceed $300 per month.
 Costs associated with the assignment of a participant in a Trial Job or other subsidized employment position, such as identifying potential Trial Job employers, developing and administering worksite agreements and related case management should be reported on SPARC Code 2208, W-2 Work Activities.
W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2200 W-2 Cost Reimbursement Program 2224 W-2 Supportive Services Report all costs related to supportive services provided to, or on behalf of eligible W-2 parents. These costs may include work supports such as uniforms, books or tools; hardship payments (as defined by an agency); gift cards or other incentives for employment or retention purposes, GED test fees, driver’s license costs; the costs of license or re-certification (i.e. CNA) ; or other supports.

W-2 Cost Reimbursement Temp


2300 W2 Temp Parent Subsidies and Stipends 2521 W-2 Custodial Parent CP Subsidy Report subsidy payments made to TEMP employers for W-2 participants who are custodial parents. Report only subsidy payments on this SPARC code. Payments made on this SPARC code must match the payments reported in CARES.
See SPARC Code 2524 to report subsidy payments made to TEMP employers for W-2 participants who are noncustodial parents.
Costs associated with the assignment of a participant to a TEMP job, such as identifying potential employers, developing and administering worksite agreements and related case management should be reported on SPARC code XXX,  Job Development.
W-2 Cost Reimbursement Temp 2300 W2 Temp Parent Subsidies and Stipends 2524 Non Custodial Parent NCP Subsidy NCP TEMP Subsidy: Report subsidy payments made to TEMP employers for W-2 participants who are noncustodial parents. Report only subsidy payments on this SPARC code. Subsidy payments must be also reported in CARES.
See SPARC Code 2521 to report subsidy payments made to TEMP employers for W-2 participants who are custodial parents.
W-2 Cost Reimbursement Temp 2300 W2 Temp Parent Subsidies and Stipends 2527

Non Custodial Parent NCP Stipends


 Report all stipends paid to noncustodial parents participating W-2 education and training activities that prepare the individual for a TEMP job or unsubsidized employment:

• A course of study meeting the standards established under Wis. Stat. s. 115.29(4), for the granting of a declaration of equivalency of high school graduation;
• English-as-a-Second Language;
• Adult basic education courses; and
• Short-term job skills training for career focused training programs such as vocational training classes and pre-vocational or bridge training focused on specific industry sectors. The stipend payments terminate when the NCP begins a TEMP job or unsubsidized employment.  The total monthly stipend amount must not exceed $200 per NCP participant. The total stipend amount per NCP participant must not exceed $800 over a 12-month period.

Related Program 2301 Child Support Liaison 2301 Child Support Liaison Expenses may include the salary, fringe, and indirect costs associated with the cost of the Child Support Liaison position.
Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9100 Intensive Support Services Administration 2226 Intensive Support Services Administration

The Intensive Support Services (ISS) Administration includes:

 Costs for general administration of ISS program services including costs related to the development and oversight of subcontracts for ISS Program Services and the related indirect costs; costs related to financial oversight of ISS Program subcontracts; and costs related to monitoring and quality assurance of ISS subcontracts and services; and


 Direct costs of providing ISS program services to W-2 applicants and participants;

 Costs of providing program information to clients, screening and assessments, development of employability plans, work activities, post-employment services, work supports, and case management; and

 The salaries and benefits costs for staff, including subcontract staff, providing program services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, rental of office space, and maintenance of office space.

Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding



Intensive Support Services Program Services


2227 Intensive Support Services  Program Services

Direct costs of providing ISS program services to W-2 applicants and participants includes:

 Costs of providing program information to clients related to ISS available, screening and formal assessments of participants who may need ISS, ISS related work activities (sheltered workshops, supported worksite, training that includes accommodations etc.) and post-employment services. Includes the portion of subcontracts devoted to ISS program services; and

 The salaries and benefits costs for staff, including subcontract staff, providing ISS program services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, rental of office space, and maintenance of office space.

Related Program 2304 W2R Job Access Loans 2303 W-2 Job Access Loans Paid Centrally All Job Access Loans issued centrally through CARES will be uploaded to this Non-Reimbursable line code on a monthly basis.
The costs reported on this SPARC code will be charged against your W-2 Job Access Loan Funding, SPARC Contract code 2304
Related Program 2311


Contracted Child Care Admin

2312 W-2 Contracted Child Care  Report all administrative costs associated with the provision of Contracted Child Care. Do not include any direct costs associated with the provision of Contracted Child Care.  This may include costs associated with training, financial oversight and other administrative functions.
Related Program 2312 W-2 Contracted Child Care 2312 W-2 Contracted Child Care Report all approved Contracted Child Care expenses per the approved application and budget approved by the Division of Family and Economic Supports (DFES). Included are costs of child care staff and other costs as described in the approved application. The Contracted Child Care costs include the cost of the on-site child care or the cost to maintain a paid slot(s) with a regulated child care provider. The costs must be related to providing child care for children whose parents are W-2 applicants or W-2 eligible parents. The parent must be involved in applying for W-2, an appointment with their FEP or other W-2 worker, or participating in W-2 assigned activities. The costs to provide child care for children whose parents are not W-2 applicants or W-2 eligible parents must not be charged to this SPARC code or to the W-2 contract. W-2 Contractors must have established processes to allocate costs to other programs to pay for the child care costs for children of non-W-2 parents. This allocation process is described in the approved application. 
Related Program 2314 W-2 Cost Reimbursement: TEMP Subsidies 2314 Cost Reimbursement: TEMP Subsidies  
Related Program 2315 W-2 Cost Reimbursement: NCP TEMP Subsidies (ResCare only) 2315 Cost Reimbursement: NCP TEMP Subsidies (ResCare only)  
Related Program 2327 W2 EA Timely Processing Application 2327 Emergency Assistance: Timely Processing of Applications  
Related Program 2328 W-2 Emergency Assistance (EA) Payment 2326 W2 EA Emergency Assistance Payments Take Back Negative  
Related Program 2328 W-2 Emergency Assistance (EA) Payment 2328 W2 Emergency Assistance EA Report all Emergency Assistance (EA) payments made to eligible families, in accordance with the Department's policies and procedures. Report only EA payment costs on this SPARC Code . EA payments reported on this SPARC Code  must match the payments reported in the Emergency Assistance Tracking System (EATS).
See SPARC Code 2110 for Emergency Assistance (EA) Eligibility Determination and SPARC Code 2241 for Emergency Assistance (EA) Case Management/Other Services.

Note: Emergency Assistance (EA) Payments and W-2 Emergency Payments are two different payments. This SPARC Code is exclusively for EA payments. See SPARC Code 2217 for more information on W-2 Emergency Payments.
Related Program 2521 W2 Custodial TEMP Subsidy 2521 2521 CP Custodial Parent Temporary Subsidy  
Related Program 2385 W2 Capitated Payment 2381 W2 Maximum Capitated Payment

The Capitated Payment amount is a monthly amount the W-2 Contractor will receive based on the Case Count Total (CCT) each month multiplied by the negotiated contracted rate per case. The CCT is the total of all paid and unpaid cases open at least one day during the month, excluding individuals who are in a CMF placement more than 3 consecutive months in a calendar year. DCF will determine the CCT based upon the data entered into CARES and CWW.

The Capitated Payment amount is a monthly amount the W-2 Contractor will receive for a designated contract period. The Capitated Payment will be issued in amounts of 1/12 of the Total Capitated Amount each month. The Capitated Payments are intended to support a W-2 Contract Agencies’ efforts in providing base services including eligibility determination, Job Access Loan processing and Emergency Assistance application processing.

The Capitated Payment amount may also be used to offset costs related to intensive support services to participants with barriers that prevent them from full participation. These services may include vocational assessments, contracts with professional service providers who provide supported work sites, sheltered workshops, training, and other services for participants with barriers or those needing accommodations.

Related Program 2385 W2 Capitated Payment 2382 W2 Maximum Capitated Payment-Additional funds for January 2017-June 2017 

The Capitated Payment amount is a monthly amount the W-2 Contractor will receive based on the Case Count Total (CCT) each month multiplied by the negotiated contracted rate per case. The CCT is the total of all paid and unpaid cases open at least one day during the month, excluding individuals who are in a CMF placement more than 3 consecutive months in a calendar year. DCF will determine the CCT based upon the data entered into CARES and CWW.

The Capitated Payment amount is a monthly amount the W-2 Contractor will receive for a designated contract period. The Capitated Payment will be issued in amounts of 1/12 of the Total Capitated Amount each month. The Capitated Payments are intended to support a W-2 Contract Agencies’ efforts in providing base services including eligibility determination, Job Access Loan processing and Emergency Assistance application processing.

The Capitated Payment amount may also be used to offset costs related to intensive support services to participants with barriers that prevent them from full participation. These services may include vocational assessments, contracts with professional service providers who provide supported work sites, sheltered workshops, training, and other services for participants with barriers or those needing accommodations.

Related Program 2522 W2 CP TEMP Job Development 2522 2522 CP Custodial Parent Temporary Job Development  
Related Program 2524 W2 NCP TEMP Subsidy 2524 2524 NCP TEMP Subsidy  
W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2555 W2 Reimbursed Vocational Assessments Training 2541 Vocational Training Report all expenses covering the fees, supplies (including text books, uniforms or other required items), for W-2 participants to attend vocational training. This may include the salary, fringe and indirect costs associated with a staff person certified to conduct a specified training(s), fee-for service training costs or costs of a subcontractor providing training.  Trainings must  meet requirements set forth in Operations Memo 17-10. Training for NCP TEMP and CP TEMP  should be reported on line 2540. Line codes 2526 and 2523 will no longer be used.
Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding

Not used after 2019


W2 Reimbursed Vocational Assessments Training 2542 Reported Vocational Training Administration A reported 10% administrative fee intended to cover the administrative costs associated with the provision of Vocational Assessments. 1. Excludes direct costs of providing program services:
• Direct costs of providing Vocational Assessment services to W-2 participants.
• It also excludes costs for contracts devoted entirely to such activities.
• The salaries and benefits costs for staff providing Vocational Assessment services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, and rental of office space and maintenance of office space.

2. Include costs for general administration and coordination of Vocational Assessment services, including contract costs and all indirect (or overhead) costs:
• Salaries and benefits of staff performing
administrative and coordination functions;
• Preparation of standard operating procedures, budgets, and schedules;
• Monitoring of program and projects;
• Procurement activities;
• Public relations;
• Services related to accounting, litigation, edits, management of property, payroll and personnel;
• Costs for the goods and services required for administration of the program such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel postage, utilities, and rental of office space and maintenance of office space, provided that such costs are not excluded as a direct administrative cost for providing program services as described above;
• Travel costs incurred for official business and not excluded as a direct administrative cost for providing program services as described above; and
• Preparing reports and other documents.
W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2555 W2 Reimbursed Vocational Assessments Training 2543 Vocational Training Administration

 Report all administrative costs associated with the provision of Vocational Training.
1. Excludes direct costs of providing program services:
• Direct costs of providing Vocational Training services to W-2 participants.
• It also excludes costs for contracts devoted entirely to such activities.
• The salaries and benefits costs for staff providing Vocational Training services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, and rental of office space and maintenance of office space.

2. Include costs for general administration and coordination of Vocational Training services, including contract costs and all indirect (or overhead) costs:
• Salaries and benefits of staff performing administrative and coordination functions; Preparation of standard operating procedures, budgets, and schedules; Monitoring of program and projects; Procurement activities; Public relations;
• Services related to accounting, litigation, edits, management of property, payroll and personnel; Costs for the goods and services required for administration of the program such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel postage, utilities, and rental of office space and maintenance of office space, provided that such costs are not excluded as a direct administrative cost for providing program services as described above;  Travel costs incurred for official business and not excluded as a direct administrative cost for providing program services as described above; and Preparing reports and other documents.

W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2555 W2 Reimbursed Vocational Assessments Training 2546 Vocational Assessment Report all expenses related to the direct provision of Vocational Evaluations/Assessment(s) for W-2 participants. This may include the cost of a subcontractor or fee-for-service vendor who provides this service.  This may include the salary, fringe and indirect costs associated with a staff person certified to conduct vocational evaluations/assessments. Time conducting work outside of this function should be allocated appropriately. See Ops Memo 17-12 for qualifications of a Vocational Assessment.”
W-2 Cost Reimbursement 2555 W2 Reimbursed Vocational Assessments Training 2547 W2 Vocational Assessments- Administration


Report administrative costs associated with the provision of Vocational Assessments. 1. Excludes direct costs of providing program services:
• Direct costs of providing Vocational Assessment services to W-2 participants.
• It also excludes costs for contracts devoted entirely to such activities.
• The salaries and benefits costs for staff providing Vocational Assessment services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, and rental of office space and maintenance of office space.

2. Include costs for general administration and coordination of Vocational Assessment services, including contract costs and all indirect (or overhead) costs:
• Salaries and benefits of staff performing administrative and coordination functions; Preparation of standard operating procedures, budgets, and schedules; Monitoring of program and projects; Procurement activities; Public relations; Services related to accounting, litigation, edits, management of property, payroll and personnel; Costs for the goods and services required for administration of the program such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel postage, utilities, and rental of office space and maintenance of office space, provided that such costs are not excluded as a direct administrative cost for providing program services as described above;
• Travel costs incurred for official business and not excluded as a direct administrative cost for providing program services as described above; and Preparing reports and other documents.

Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9100 W2 Non-reimbursable Expense Administration 2120 W-2 Administration 1. It excludes
◾ Direct costs of providing program services to W-2 applicants and participants.
◾ Costs of providing program information to clients, screening and assessments, development of employability plans, work activities, post-employment services, work supports, and case management. It also excludes costs for contracts devoted entirely to such activities.
◾ The salaries and benefits costs for staff providing program services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, rental of office space and maintenance of office space.
2. It includes
◾ Costs for general administration and coordination of the W-2 and Related Programs, including contract costs and the related indirect costs.
Required Benefit Information 2400 W2B W-2 Benefits 2401 W-2 Transition (W-2T) Benefits  
Required Benefit Information 2400 W2B W-2 Benefits 2402 W-2 Community Service Jobs (CSJ) Benefits  
Required Benefit Information 2400 W2B W-2 Benefits 2403 W-2 Custodial Parent of an Infant (CMC) Benefits  
Required Benefit Information 2400 W2B W-2 Benefits 2404 W-2 No Slot Benefits  
Required Benefit Information 2405 W2B Benefits At Risk Pregnancy 2405 W-2 At Risk Pregnancy (ARP) Benefits  
Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9100 W2 Non-reimbursable Expense Administration 2109 W-2 TANF Eligibility Determination Report costs related to determination of TANF eligibility for the W-2 program and Job Access Loans. Eligibility determination activities are limited to the collection and review of demographic, financial and non-financial information necessary to determine whether families are eligible for W-2 services and/or Job Access Loans. Eligibility determination activities also include entry of eligibility information into the CARES system.
Assessment of eligible parents for placement in the W-2 program is a case management activity and not an eligibility determination activity. If both eligibility and assessment information is collected, reviewed or entered into CARES at the same time, the agency must allocate part of the cost to W-2 eligibility determination and part of the cost to the appropriate W-2 service activity, such as SPARC Code 2208.

Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff determining eligibility.
For Job Access Loan (JAL) applicants, costs related to calculation of the JAL amount and disbursement of the JAL to the applicant or service provider must be reported under JAL Case Management SPARC Code 2225. 
Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9100 W2 Non-reimbursable Expense Administration 2110 W2 Emergency Assistance (EA) Determination

Report costs related to determination of eligibility for the Emergency Assistance program. Eligibility determination activities are limited to the collection and review of demographic, financial and non-financial information necessary to determine whether families are eligible for EA payments. Eligibility determination activities also include entry of eligibility information into the EATS system.
 Case management and other services (such as a discussion on budgeting to avoid future homelessness) provided to EA applicants should be reported as  a case management activity and not an eligibility determination activity. If both eligibility information is collected and case management service are provided )or entered into CARES at the same time, the agency must allocate part of the cost to EA eligibility determination and part of the cost to EA case management SPARC Code 2241.

 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff determining eligibility. See SPARC Code 2241 for Emergency Assistance (EA) Case Management Services and SPARC Code 2328 for Emergency Assistance (EA) Payments


Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9100 W2 Non-reimbursable Expense Administration 2142 W-2 Client Fraud Prevention and Investigation Report costs related to W-2 parent fraud prevention and investigation services. Examples of fraud prevention and investigation costs include:
1. Reviewing W-2 parent data matches;
2. Payment integrity monitoring;
3. Fraud prevention efforts;
4. Front End Verification
5. Internal investigation services;
6. Contracted investigation services;
7. W-2 client overpayment determinations.
Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff providing fraud prevention and investigation.

The W-2 agency may conduct joint prevention and fraud investigation activities with income maintenance agencies and purchase fraud services from income maintenance agencies or fraud service providers. If the W-2 agency participates in joint fraud activities, the cost of the fraud activity must be divided equally among all benefiting programs that participated in the joint activity.

When asked by another agency, the W-2 agency should agree to a joint fraud investigation unless the potential fraud has no effect on W-2 eligibility. The W-2 agency should not stop or delay a W-2 fraud investigation if another agency does not agree to a joint fraud investigation. 
Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Non-reimbursable Expense Program 2103 W-2 Management Services Fee  This code is only applicable to  reporting costs for programs that are paid under the "pay for performance" methodology.  It is not applicable to programs that are reimbursed on a cost basis such as Contracted Child Care, Refugee Services, or Emergency Assistance.  Management service fees are costs that are normally considered part of the financial cost of doing business, but are not indirect overhead or direct costs.  Management service fees must be reasonably calculated, consistent, and available on request for review by the state or federal agencies.  This cost will not be directly reimbursed to the agency, but will be used to support the federal claim on behalf of the State.  This code is only applicable to  reporting costs for programs that are paid under the "pay for performance" methodology.  It is not applicable to programs that are reimbursed on a cost basis such as Contracted Child Care, Refugee Services, or Emergency Assistance.  Management service fees are costs that are normally considered part of the financial cost of doing business, but are not indirect overhead or direct costs.  Management service fees must be reasonably calculated, consistent, and available on request for review by the state or federal agencies.  This cost will not be directly reimbursed to the agency, but will be used to support the federal claim on behalf of the State. 
Z  Required Reporting for TANF Funding Ends 2019 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2208 W-2 Work Activities Report costs for W-2 eligible parents who have been placed in a W-2 employment position or are receiving case management services for the following activities:
1. Providing W-2 orientation, conducting informal assessments, developing an employability plan, administering the Barrier Screening Tool, determining the need for accommodations and support services, and providing appropriate case management.
2. Drug tests required for applicants and eligible parents with a convicted drug felony.
3. Conducting Fact Finding Reviews and participating in Administrative Hearings for W-2 eligible parents.
4. Conducting individual and group job search, job readiness and motivation, job development, employment counseling, job clubs, dissemination of labor market information, services to develop employment retention skills.
5. Assigning an individual to a work experience site, including, but not limited to, developing work experience sites, monitoring those sites, meetings with site supervisors to discuss participant progress, and related case management. Include costs associated with skills training directed by the work site employer.
6. Assignment of an individual to a Trial Job or other subsidized employment, including associated costs such as identifying potential Trial Job employers, developing and administering contracts, and related case management. The actual Trial Job employer subsidy is reported on SPARC Code 2220.
7. Workers Compensation Insurance coverage for parents assigned to work experience.
8. Providing parenting and life skills training 
Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2209 W-2 Education Education: Report costs related to determination of TANF eligibility for the W-2 program and Job Access Loans. Eligibility determination activities are limited to the collection and review of demographic, financial and non-financial information necessary to determine whether families are eligible for W-2 services and/or Job Access Loans. Eligibility determination activities also include entry of eligibility information into the CARES system.
 Assessment of eligible parents for placement in the W-2 program is a case management activity and not an eligibility determination activity. If both eligibility and assessment information is collected, reviewed or entered into CARES at the same time, the agency must allocate part of the cost to W-2 eligibility determination and part of the cost to the appropriate W-2 service activity, such as SPARC Code 2208.
 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff determining eligibility.
 For Job Access Loan (JAL) applicants, costs related to calculation of the JAL amount and disbursement of the JAL to the applicant or service provider must be reported under JAL Case Management SPARC Code 2225.
Required Reporting for TANF Funding  9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2210 W-2 Job Skills Training

Emergency Assistance Eligibility Determination: Report costs related to determination of eligibility for the Emergency Assistance program. Eligibility determination activities are limited to the collection and review of demographic, financial and non-financial information necessary to determine whether families are eligible for EA payments. Eligibility determination activities also include entry of eligibility information into the EATS system.
 Case management and other services (such as a discussion on budgeting to avoid future homelessness) provided to EA applicants should be reported as  a case management activity and not an eligibility determination activity. If both eligibility information is collected and case management service are provided )or entered into CARES at the same time, the agency must allocate part of the cost to EA eligibility determination and part of the cost to EA case management SPARC Code 2241.

 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agen

Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2212 W-2 Wisconsin Works Job Retention

Report job retention and advancement costs related to W-2 eligible parents placed in Unsubsidized Employment and receiving case management only services. These services may include, but are not limited to:
 1.Providing case management needed to encourage and support job retention and advancement
 2. Providing guidance in career decision making skills;
 3.Exploring career options;
 4. Identifying further education and training needs, e.g. drivers education, English-as-a-Second Language and obtaining a high school diploma;
 5.Updating a resume;
 6. Developing networking skills;
 7. Providing job survival/retention techniques.
 8. Providing information regarding community resource links, voluntary post-secondary education and job skill development training,
 9. Referring for Job Access Loan (JAL), Wisconsin Shares Child Care, FoodShare and BadgerCare;
 10. Referring to other work programs, such as Food Share Employment and Training Program or Workforce Investment Act (WIA) programs.

 CARES activity codes associated with these services include: Job Retention Services (JR), Mentor/Coach (MN), Employer Intervention Services (EI), and Career Advancement Services (CR)

 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff providing retention and advancement services.

Z  Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2213 W-2 Formal Assessments Report all costs related to formal assessments to determine the ability of W-2 parents to participate in the W-2 program. Examples of formal assessments include disability-related assessment, AODA assessments, mental health assessments, vocational evaluation and educational assessments such as TABE assessments.
Allowable costs include the salary, fringe benefits, travel, training, supplies and occupancy for (qualified or In-house) staff performing formal assessments and purchases of formal assessments from service providers.

Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff providing W-2 formal assessment activities.

When the cost of a needed assessment is not covered by a third-party source, such as Medicaid, the W-2 agency is responsible for paying for the eligible parent’s assessment. 
Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2214 W-2 SSI/SSDI Advocacy Report all costs specifically and directly related to providing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) Advocacy, in accordance with the Department's Policies and Procedures.
SSI/SSDI Advocacy includes, but is not limited to, the following services:
1.Assistance to W-2 parents in completing SSI/SSDI applications and supporting documentation;
2. Provision of supportive services to W-2 parents for communications with the federal Social Security Administration (SSA) and/or the state Disability Determination Bureau (DDB)
3. Communications and meetings with SSA or DDB regarding SSI/SSDI applications for W-2 parents;
4. Assistance to W-2 parents in requesting reconsideration on denied SSI/SSDI applications and the subsequent follow-up services for the reconsideration:
5. Assistance to W-2 parents in appealing denied SSI/SSDI applications and the subsequent follow-up services for the appeal; and
6. Case management or any other services specifically and directly related to supporting SSI/SSDI applications by W-2 parents
Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff providing SSI advocacy
Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2215 W-2 Transportation Report any transportation related costs  for W-2 eligible parents obtaining W-2 services under the following SPARC codes.
◾2109- TANF Eligibility Determination
◾2110 - EA Eligibility Determination
◾2208 - W-2 Work Activities
◾2209 - W-2 Education
◾2210 - W-2 Job Skills training
◾2212 - W-2 Retention and Advancement
◾2213 - W-2 Formal Assessments
◾2214 - W-2 Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) Advocacy
◾2241 - W-2 EA Case Management/Other Services
This includes the value of W-2 transportation services such as transportation allowances, bus tokens, gasoline cards, van services, etc. provided to W-2 parents. In more remote areas, if a W-2 agency cannot obtain any form of public transportation service and elects to operate a van shuttle service for short term assistance of W-2 eligible parents in complying with required W-2 work activities, the agency will use a uniform mileage rate not to exceed the current State allowed mileage rate or a uniform flat rate charge per W-2 person, both of which consider all vehicle use and maintenance costs. No separate reimbursement for vehicle purchase, damage, insurance, maintenance, etc. is allowed in this SPARC Code. Mileage rate charges should be applied per trip mileage versus per person when multiple W-2 eligible parents ride together in the same trip. Also, mileage rate charges should be allocated proportionally for W-2 and non-W-2 users if the vehicle transports both W-2 eligible parents and non W-2 users in the same trip.

W-2 agencies should use the Medicaid Transportation Broker for transportation of W-2 eligible parents to medical appointments whenever possible.
Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2217 W-2 Emergency Payments Report all W-2 Emergency Payments made to W-2 eligible parents, in accordance with the Department's Policies and Procedures. W-2 Emergency Payments are for eligible W-2 parents who are waiting for their first W-2 benefit payment. W-2 Emergency Payments are one-time payments designed to meet the W-2 participant's emergency financial need at the beginning of a W-2 episode, and are not an additional or auxiliary W-2 benefit payment.

Note: W-2 Emergency Payments and Emergency Assistance Payments are two different payments. This SPARC Code is exclusively for W-2 Emergency Payments. See SPARC Code 2328 for more information on Emergency Assistance Payments
Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2220 W-2 Work Subsidies Report employer subsidy costs for all subsidized jobs (e.g. Trial Job positions). A Trial Job subsidy must not exceed $300 per month.
Costs associated with the assignment of a participant in a Trial Job or other subsidized employment position, such as identifying potential Trial Job employers, developing and administering worksite agreements and related case management should be reported on SPARC Code 2208, W-2 Work Activities. 
Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2224 W-2 Supportive Services Report all costs related to supportive services provided to, or on behalf of eligible W-2 parents. These costs may include work supports such as uniforms, books or tools; hardship payments (as defined by an agency); gift cards or other incentives for employment or retention purposes, GED test fees, driver’s license costs; the costs of license or re-certification (i.e. CNA) ; or other supports. 
Z Used until end of 2019 Contract Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Nonreimbursable Expense Program 2225 W-2 Job Access Loans JAL Case Management

Report all costs related to case management and other services for the Job Access Loan (JAL) program. JAL case management and other services include, but are not limited to:
 1. Coordination with other local, state and federal programs to obtain resources for the JAL applicant;
 2. Determining the JAL amount for the applicant;
 3. Contact with vendors to arrange for services for the applicant;
 4. Establishing the JAL repayment schedule for the applicant;
 5. Processing JAL repayments;
 6.  Referring JAL cases for collection.

 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff providing Job Access Loan Case Management services.JAL eligibility determination costs are reported under SPARC Code 2109. JAL payments are issued from CARES. JAL repayments are reported under SPARC Code 2305.

Required Reporting for TANF Funding 9200 W2 Non-reimbursable Expense Program 2241 W-2 Emergency Assistance (EA) Case Management/Other Services  
SPARC Payment Take Back Code 2317 Non Custodial Parent NCP Served 2317 2317 Cost Reimbursement: NCP Served  
SPARC Payment Take Back Code 2415 WPR Numerator Payment 2415 WPR Numerator Payment