SPARC Payment Schedule This schedule provides an estimate of when payment information will appear on the web reports (Anticipated Web Report Date) and the expected date the money will be deposited in the agency's bank account (Expected ACH Date). See Bank Deposits Reconciliation Report for actual payment information to date. For specific questions about your report due dates, always refer to your contract language. Note: If a due date or deposit date falls on a weekend or holiday, the date will generally become the next business day. Dept. Program Due Date Anticipated Web Report Date Expected ACH Date DCF Non-county Child Care 23 26 last business day of the month DCF Child Support 23 26 last business day of the month following the end of the quarter-April, July, October, and January DCF Wisconsin Works (W-2) per W-2 Contract Resources DCF CANPB 23 26 last business day of the month DCF Non county Child care, Other Grants (Refugee, Domestic, Violence, Runaway Services, CSBG, etc.) 23 26 last business day of the month DCF Tribes 23 26 last business day of the month DCF DCF County Contracts 28 01 5th of the month DCF-DHS Cost Pool 28 01 non-reimburseable DCF-DHS Employee Count 1st week of March, June, September, December non-reimburseable DCF Final Payments Per contract terms, usually 60 days after contract end date as needed as needed State Holidays New Year's Day (January 1) Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (Third Monday in January) Memorial Day (Last Monday in May) Independence Day (July 4) Labor Day (First Monday in September) Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November) Christmas Eve Day (December 24) Christmas Day (December 25) New Year's Eve Day (December 31)