Transitional Job and Transform Milwaukee Job Codes

Category Contract Code Contract Code Description Line Code Line Code Description Definition and Examples of Allocable Activities
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0505 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Program Cost Reimbursement 506 Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) Stipends  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0505 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Program Cost Reimbursement 507 Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) Wage Subsidies  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0505 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Program Cost Reimbursement 508 Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) Other Hiring Costs  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0509 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Program Capitated Payments 512 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Capitated Payment Milestone 1  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0509 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Program Capitated Payments 513 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Capitated Payment Milestone 2  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0509 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Program Capitated Payments 514 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Capitated Payment Milestone 3  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0509 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Program Capitated Payments 515 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Capitated Payment Milestone 4  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0516 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Drug Testing 516 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Drug Testing  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0517 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Drug Treatment 517 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Drug Treatment  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 0518 OTH Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Education Administration 518 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Education Administration  
Transitional Jobs 1505 OTH Transitional Jobs TJ Program Cost Reimbursement 1506 TMJ Stipends  
Transitional Jobs 1505 OTH Transitional Jobs TJ Program Cost Reimbursement 1507 Transitional Jobs (TJ) Wage Subsidies  
 Transitional Jobs 1505 OTH Transitional Jobs TJ Program Cost Reimbursement 1508 Transitional Jobs (TJ) Other Hiring Costs  
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 9520 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Reported Administration 520 TMJ 0520 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Administration Reports costs associated with the general operation of the organization and are not directly related to direct services. Examples of costs related to support of the organization include salaries of executive management, human resources, and accounting, insurance and depreciation. 
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 9520 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Reported Administration 521 TMJ 0521 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ  Eligibility Determination TJ/TMJ  Eligibility Expenses: Report costs related to determination of eligibility for the Transitional Jobs and Transform Milwaukee Jobs programs.  Eligibility determination activities are limited to the collection and review of demographic, financial and non-financial information necessary to determine whether families are eligible for TJ/TMJ services. Eligibility determination activities also include entry of eligibility information into the CARES and WWP system.
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 9520 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Reported Administration 523 TMJ 0523  Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ  Management Services Fee  Management Services fee: This code is only applicable to  reporting costs for programs that are paid under the "pay for performance" methodology.  It is not applicable to programs that are reimbursed on a cost basis such as Contracted Child Care, Refugee Services, or Emergency Assistance.  Management service fees are costs that are normally considered part of the financial cost of doing business, but are not indirect overhead or direct costs.  Management service fees must be reasonably calculated, consistent, and available on request for review by the state or federal agencies.  This cost will not be directly reimbursed to the agency, but will be used to support the federal claim on behalf of the State. 
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 9530 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Reported Program Cost 532 MJ 0532 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ  Work Activities

Work Activities: Report costs related to providing services to subsidized workers who have enrolled in the Transitional Jobs or Transform Milwaukee Jobs program and are participating in activities:
 - Providing orientation, conducting informal assessments, developing an employability plan, determining the need for accommodations and support services, and providing appropriate case management.
 - Drug screening and tests required for applicants
 - Conducting individual and group job search, job readiness and motivation, employment counseling, job clubs, dissemination of labor market information to participants.
 - Assigning an individual to a subsidized employment, including, but not limited to, developing sites, monitoring those sites, meetings with site supervisors to discuss participant progress, and related case management. Include costs associated with skills training directed by the work site employer.

 Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management).

Transform Milwaukee Jobs 9530 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Reported Program Cost 535 TMJ 0535 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ  Job Development Job Development Activities: Report all costs related to identifying employment opportunities and placing individuals in the TJ or TMJ program into unsubsidized employment. This includes holding or participating in job fairs, meeting with employers, meeting with participants for the purpose of matching or placing them into jobs, and other tasks that are related to developing relationships with employers.    Note: Include the costs of direct service staff and supervisor salary, fringe benefits, direct operational costs (such as supplies, rent, computer costs, utilities, etc.) and indirect costs (such as allocated share of agency management) for staff providing TJ/TMJ job development activities.
Transform Milwaukee Jobs 9530 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ Reported Program Cost 536 TMJ 0536 Transform Milwaukee Jobs TMJ   Supportive Services Supportive Services: Report all costs related to supportive services provided to, or on behalf of eligible TJ/TMJ individuals. These costs may include work supports such as uniforms, books or tools; hardship payments (as defined by an agency); gift cards or other incentives for employment or retention purposes, GED test fees, driver’s license costs; the costs of license or re-certification (i.e. CNA) ; or other supports as deemed appropriate by the TJ/TMJ agency. In addition, include all costs related to transportation assistance, if provided, on this line.