County Contract Codes Category Contract Code Contract Code Description Line Code Line Code Description Definition and Examples of Allowable Activities Child Care 0831 Child Care Certification 0831 Child Care Certification - Direct Costs Charge all direct costs associated with Initial Certification, Relocation or Recertification of child care providers to this line. Include all non-personnel costs related to certification, such as cost of items purchased, printing and mailing costs, paying for training, provider tool kits, and other certification resource materials for certified child care providers. Include provider outreach and recruitment costs such as educational materials, promotional materials, etc. Include travel and other non-personnel costs for orientation of potential providers, site visit inspections and certification administrative reviews. Personnel costs for staff performing certification duties are reported to this line ONLY if the staff are dedicated to the child care function and are not included in the Income Maintenance Random Moment Sampling (RMS). Direct certification personnel costs should be excluded from costs reported to the Income Maintenance RMS Shared Cost Pool. Include staff time spent screening applicants, providing training or technical assistance, monitoring compliance, issuing compliance statements, handling non-compliance issues, issuing non-compliance statements, and issuing warning letters, provider sanction/enforcement notices and revocations. Include time spent investigating and documenting complaints about providers. Charge certification training and related travel costs to this line. Certification subcontracts are charged to this line. Child Care 0831 Child Care Certification 0833 Child Care Certification - Fees Collected (Negative Amount) Report all fees collected from certified providers on this line. Include fees collected for Initial Application, Relocation, and Recertification (if charged by the agency or subcontract agency). Fees are not allocated and MUST be reported as a negative amount on 0833. Agencies should NOT net out fees against expenditures reported on 0831 or 8831. Child Care 0831 Child Care Certification 8831 Child Care Certification - Non-Direct Costs (Agency Allocated) Charge all allocated costs associated with Initial Certification, Relocation, or Recertification of child care providers to this line. Personnel costs for staff included in the Income Maintenance Random Moment Sampling (RMS) performing certification duties are reported to this line as an allocated cost. Use time study results or other appropriate allocation methods to determine the amount of staff costs charged to this line. Allocated certification personnel costs are included in the Income Maintenance RMS Shared Cost Pool. If a worker is in the IM RMS, their costs are always reported as allocated costs. If they work on child care activities 100% of the time, remove them from the RMS roster, and report their time as a direct cost. Include staff time spent screening applicants, providing technical assistance, monitoring compliance, issuing compliance statements, handling non-compliance issues, issuing non-compliance statements, and issuing warning letters, provider sanction/enforcement notices and revocations. Include time spent investigating and documenting complaints about providers. Child Care 0840 Child Care Fraud 0841 Child Care Fraud Prevention and Investigation Services - Direct Costs Charge all direct costs associated with the prevention or investigation of child care fraud to this line. Personnel costs for staff performing fraud duties are reported to this line only if the staff are dedicated child care workers and not included in the Income Maintenance RMS. Direct fraud personnel costs should be excluded from costs reported to the Income Maintenance RMS Shared Cost Pool. Include staff time spent on fraud prevention, investigation and enforcement, and staff training on child care policy and systems. Include time spent developing and using error prone profiles, and conducting any special front-end verifications for fraud purposes. Charge fraud, Wisconsin Shares CC Subsidy and Certification policy and automated system training for fraud staff to learn policy to work fraud cases, and related travel costs to this line. Child Care Fraud subcontracts and costs related to subcontracting for fraud services should be charged to this line. Charge all fraud costs to line codes 0841 and 8841. DCF will use line 0848 to move expenses that exceed the contract amount to the Child Care Admin Contract code 0852, line code 0844. Child Care 0840 Child Care Fraud 8841 Child Care Fraud Prevention and Investigation Services - Non Direct Costs (Agency Allocated) Charge all allocated costs associated with the prevention or investigation of child care fraud to this line. Personnel costs for staff included in the Income Maintenance Random Moment Sampling (RMS) performing fraud duties are reported to this line as an allocated cost. Use time study results or other appropriate allocation methods to determine the amount of staff costs charged to this line. Allocated fraud personnel costs are included in the Income Maintenance RMS Shared Cost Pool. Include staff time spent on fraud prevention, investigation, and enforcement. Include time spent developing and using error prone profiles, and conducting any special front-end verifications for fraud purposes. Child Care 0852 Child Care Administration and Operations 0832 Child Care Admin - Eligibility and Authorizations Direct Costs Charge all direct costs associated with child care eligibility and authorization activities to this line. Include non-personnel costs related to eligibility and authorizations, other than outreach and promotion. Outreach and promotion costs are reported on line code 0850. Personnel costs for staff performing eligibility and authorization duties are reported to this line only if the staff are dedicated to the child care function and are not included in the Income Maintenance Random Moment Sampling (RMS). Direct eligibility and authorization personnel costs are excluded from costs reported to the Income Maintenance RMS Shared Cost Pool. Eligibility and Authorization activities include workers' and their supervisors' wages and benefits, and other costs incurred for child care casework. This includes processing applications, ensuring that eligibility is accurately determined, including a review of a family's eligibility every 12 months, assessing the family's need for child care according to Wisconsin Shares Policy, providing information to parents regarding resources including Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies to assist in identifying potential child care providers, establishing authorizations for subsidized child care in the automated system for eligible children, maintaining child care provider records in the designated automated systems (such as entering child care provider prices in the department's designated automated system when new providers submit written prices and when a provider submits a written price change, and documenting case comments in the various automated systems). Child Care 0840 Child Care Fraud 0843 Child Care Fraud - Hearings and Other Direct Costs Charge any direct legal costs for the Wisconsin Shares Child Care Program to this line, including costs for overpayments, Voluntary Repayment Agreements (VPA), preparation for administrative hearings, and legal representation at hearings. Legal costs are not included in the Income Maintenance RMS Shared Cost Pool. Child Care 0852 Child Care Administration and Operations 0844 Child Care Admin - Transfer from 0840 (Over Contract) DCF Manually transfers expenses over contract amount from Child Care Fraud Contract Code 0840, Line Code 0848 to Child Care Admin Contract Code 0852, Line Code 0844. Child Care 0840 Child Care Fraud 0848 Child Care Fraud Prevention and Investigation Services - Transfer to 0852 (Over Contract) DCF Manually transfers expenses over contract amount from Child Care Fraud Contract Code 0840, Line Code 0848 to Child Care Admin Contract 0852, Line Code 0844. Child Care 0852 Child Care Administration and Operations 0850 Child Care Admin - Administrative Services Direct Costs Charge any direct costs associated with administrations of the Shares Child Care Program not reported on other SPARC lines to this line. Direct administrative costs include single audits, and Wisconsin Shares program promotional and outreach activities. Child Care 0852 Child Care Administration and Operations 8832 Child Care Admin - Eligibility and Authorization Non-Direct Costs (Agency Allcoated) Charge all allocated costs associated with child care eligibility and authorization activities to this line. Personnel costs for staff included in the Income Maintenance Random Moment Sampling (RMS) performing eligibility and authorization duties are reported to this line as an allocated cost. Use time study results or other appropriate allocation methods to determine the amount of staff costs charged to this line. Allocated eligibility and authorization personnel costs are included in the Income Maintenance RMS Shared Cost Pool. Eligibility and Authorization activities include workers' and their supervisors' wages and benefits, and other costs incurred for child care casework. This includes processing applications, ensuring that eligibility is accurately determined, including a review of a family's eligibility every 12 months, assessing the family's need for child care according to Wisconsin Shares Policy, providing information to parents regarding resources including Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies to assist in identifying potential child care providers, establishing authorizations for subsidized child are in the automated system for eligible children, maintaining child care provider records in the designated automated systems (such as entering child care provider prices in the department's designated automated system when new providers submit written prices and when a provider submits a written price change, and documenting case comments in the various automated systems.) Charge staff time devoted to child care call center duties to line code 8832 if the staff are included in the Income Maintenance Random Moment Time Study (RMS). The full cost of staff time spent on child care call center duties can be charged to the child care administration contract provided that the staff time is devoted primarily to child care case management and that the case management work done for other benefiting programs is incidental to the child care case management. Charge all Shares subsidy (except fraud) staff training and related travel costs to this line. Child Care 0840 Child Care Fraud 8843 Child Care Fraud - Hearings and Other Non-Direct Costs (Agency Allocated) Charge any allocated legal costs for the Wisconsin Shares Child Care Program to this line, including costs for overpayments, preparation for administrative hearings and legal representation at administrative hearings. Legal costs are not included in the Income Maintenance RMS Shared Cost Pool Child Care 0852 Child Care Administration and Operations 8850 Child Care Admin - Administrative Services Non-Direct Costs (Agency Allocated) Charge all allocated costs associated with administration of the Wisconsin Shares Child Care Program, including Administrative Support and Overhead (AMSO) and Indirect Costs to this line. Administrative Services include county agency accounting services, human resources, audit services, and other services relating to agency oversight and administration. Costs for Administrative Services are almost always allocated and reported on line 8850 (not 0850). Child Care 0856 Child Care Benefit Payments 0854 Child Care Benefits - W2 Contract Code 0856 is only to be used when the CARES system cannot process payments. Child Welfare 3306 CW Promoting Safe and Stable Families 3306 CW Promoting Safe and Stable Families Report all costs incurred in the implementation of Promoting Safe and Stable Families plan. Costs reported on line 3306 will be paid up to the contract amount. Costs reported over the contract amount may be moved by the county to line 3561 for payment if the 3561 is not fully spent. Child Welfare 3307 CW Trauma Project Safe and Stable Families 3307 CW Trauma Project Safe and Stable Families Child Welfare 3310 CW Tribal High Cost 3310 CW Tribal High Cost Child Welfare 3312 CW Alternative Response Initiative 3312 CW Alternative Response Initiatives Child Welfare 3335 CW Early Childhood Initiative 3335 CW Early Childhood Initiative Please report costs incurred relating to the Early Childhood Initiative. Expenditures are only reimbursed up the contract level. Child Welfare 3342 CW PS Program Payments Yr 2 3342 CW PS Program Payment Yr 2 - 2015~2016 The Department will provide funding to the county for children enrolled in the P.S. program at a rate of $36.13 per day ($1,100 per month) for up to 12 months on this SPARC line. Child Welfare 3342 CW PS Program Payments Yr 2 3355 CW PS Program Reconciliation Child Welfare 3343 CW PS Survey Reimbursement 3343 CW Non-PS Survey Reimbursement Counties that are not participating in year 1 of the P.S. program will receive $100 for each baseline survey distributed to parents of reunifying children. Child Welfare 3344 CW PS Program Payments Yr 2016~2017 3344 CW PS Program Payments Yr 3 - 2016~2017 The Department will provide funding to the county for children enrolled in the P.S. program at a rate of $36.13 per day ($1,100 per month) for up to 12 months on this SPARC line. Child Welfare 3352 CW PS Program Recovery Yr 2 - 2016 3352 CW PS Program Recapture Yr 2 - 2015~2016 Child Welfare 3354 CW Ps Program Recovery Yr 3 - 2016 3354 CW PS Program Recapture Yr 3 - 2016~2017 Child Welfare 3365 CW Foster Home Continuation - Act 40 3365 CW Foster Home Continuation - Act 10 Enter all costs identified in the approved plan for each individual. Funds are used for maintaining a person in a non-institutional living arrangement. Costs reported on line 3365 will be paid only up to the contract amount. Child Welfare 3377 CW Kinship Care Program - Benefits 3377 CW Kinship Care Program - Benefits This line is one in a series for reporting agency spending of Kinship Care funds. Use this line to report expenditures for Kinship Care benefits payments only. Child Welfare 3380 CW Kinship Care Program - Assessment 3380 CW Kinship Care Program - Assessment This line is one in a series for reporting agency spending of Kinship Care funds. Use this line to report the expenditures for Kinship Care assessments only. Child Welfare 3396 CW Foster Parent Comptency Based Training 3395 CW Foster Parent Competency Based Training Report 100% of IV-E Competency Based Foster Parent Training expenditures on SPARC Line 3395. These funds may only be used for foster and adoptive parent training approved by the Department of Children and Families. SPARC Line 3395 allocates expenditures to Line 3396 IV-E Competency Based Foster Parent Training Federal based upon the current federal percentage. The remaining allocates to Line 9396 IV-E Competency Based Foster Parent Training Local Share. Reimbursement Rate: •2017 41% •2016 40% Child Welfare 3554 CW CHIPS Legal Reporting Line 3553 CW CHIPS Legal Reporting Line Report 100% of costs incurred for legal services relating to CHIPS orders, placement of children in foster care, and court review of foster care cases. Expenditures reported on line 3553 will be paid on line 3554 (CHIPS Legal Federal) based on the current federal reimbursement percentage. The remaining amount of reported expenditures will be allocated to line 9574 (Legal Services Match). This is a non-reimbursable line used to show the agency’s share. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 27% • 2017 - 28% Child Welfare 3561 CW Children and Families Allocation 3415 CW Foster Care Administration Use for direct charges only, such as foster parents’ physicals, transportation, or purchases of equipment/supplies for the foster family. EXCLUDE case manager staff time which is collected through the Random Moment Time Study. Travel and per diem for training for foster and adoptive parents may be reported unless the county is collecting IV-E reimbursement through the Foster Parent Training SPARC Line 3396. DO NOT include the costs of social services to the child, the child’s family or foster family. Expenditures allocate to SPARC Line 3561 for payment. Child Welfare 3561 CW Children and Families Allocation 3561 CW Children and Families Allocation Enter all costs related to this SPARC Line for reimbursement of your Children and Families Allocation. Social Service Unit costs should be reported to this Profile as follows: Charge costs for all staff whose assigned functions are social services related to children and families. It is expected the expenditures for this funding would be fit into three categories of spending including: •Child Protective Services •Juvenile Justice •Other Child Welfare The costs for the Social Service Unit include: •Supervisors' salaries and fringe •Workers', Aides' and Specialists' salaries and fringe •Direct clerical support salaries and fringe •Travel costs associated with the above •Supplies, services and equipment that can be directly identified to the Social Services Unit. Costs will be reimbursed up to the contract amount on Line 3561. Costs over the contract amount will be moved by State staff to Line 3681 for 50% reimbursement. The remaining 50% will go to 9681 to show the agency’s match. Child Welfare 3562 CW Children and Families Allocation Carry Over Prior Year 3562 CW Children and Families Allocation Prior Year Carry Forward Child Welfare 3563 CW Educational Collaboration Project 3563 CW Educational Collaboration Projects Child Welfare 3574 CW TPR Adoption Services 3573 CW TPR Adoption Services Reporting Report 100% of costs incurred for legal services relating to termination of parental rights (TPR) and placement of children for adoption. Expenditures reported on line 3573 will be paid on line 3574 (TPR Adoption Federal) and will be limited to the current federal reimbursement rate of total costs reported. The remaining amount of reported expenditures will be allocated to line 9574 (Legal Services Match). This is a non-reimbursable line used to show the agency’s local share. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 38% • 2017 - 39% Child Welfare 3604 CW WiSACWIS Related Staff and Equipment 3601 CW WiSACWIS Related Program Staff Report 100% of WiSACWIS program staff costs on this line and these will allocate to line 3604 for payment based upon the federal reimbursement rate. The remainder will allocate to line 9604 WiSACWIS Match. Line 9604 is not reimbursable. It is used to show the County's share. There is no prepayment for this program. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 38% Child Welfare 3604 CW WiSACWIS Related Staff and Equipment 3602 CW WiSACWIS Related IT Staff Report 100% of WiSACWIS IT County and contract staff costs on this line and these will allocate to line 3604 for payment based upon the federal reimbursement rate. The remainder will allocate to line 9604 WiSACWIS Match. Line 9604 is not reimbursable. It is used to show the County's share. There is no prepayment for this program. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 38% Child Welfare 3604 CW WiSACWIS Related Staff and Equipment 3603 CW WiSACWIS Related Equipment Report 100% of WiSACWIS equipment costs on this line and these will allocate to line 3604 for payment based upon the federal reimbursement rate. The remainder will allocate to line 9604 WiSACWIS Match. Line 9604 is not reimbursable. It is used to show the County's share. There is no prepayment for this program. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 38% Child Welfare 3610 CW Meth Grant Collaborative 3610 CW Meth Grant Collaborative Child Welfare 3611 CW County Data Leadership Initiative 3611 CW County Data Leadership Initiative Child Welfare 3612 DSP In-Home Safety Services 3612 DSP In-Home Safety Services Report all costs related to this program. Funds are used to provide In-Home Safety Services when the children have been determined unsafe in accordance with the Safety Intervention Standards. Child Welfare 3613 CW Permanancy Round Tables 3613 CW Permanancy Round Tables Child Welfare 3614 CW RCC Foster Care Extension to 21 years old 3614 CW RCC Foster Care Extension to 21 years old Child Welfare 3681 CW Children and Families Allocations 3681 CW Children and Families Allocations Over Contract - State Portion Child Welfare 3935 CW WiSACWIS Annual Operation Maintenance Fee 3935 CW WiSACWIS Annual Operation Maintenance Fee Child Welfare 5103 CW Domestic Abuse Program 5103 CW Domestic Abuse Program Child Welfare 9307 CW Wisconsin Trauma Project - Agency Match 9307 CW Wisconsin Trauma Project - Agency Match Child Welfare 9311 CW Trauma Project Informed Parent - Agency Match 9311 CW Trauma Project Informed Parent - Agency Match List any agency match for Trauma Project Informed Parent. There is no minimum required match and this line is used for reporting only. Child Welfare 9396 CW Foster parent Comptency Based Training - Agency Match 3395 CW Foster Parent Competency Based Training Report 100% of IV-E Competency Based Foster Parent Training expenditures on SPARC Line 3395. These funds may only be used for foster and adoptive parent training approved by the Department of Children and Families. SPARC Line 3395 allocates expenditures to Line 3396 IV-E Competency Based Foster Parent Training Federal based upon the current federal percentage. The remaining allocates to Line 9396 IV-E Competency Based Foster Parent Training Local Share. Reimbursement Rate: •2017 41% •2016 40% Child Welfare 9554 CW CHIPS Legal Reporting Line - Agency Match 3553 CW CHIPS Legal Reporting Line Child Welfare 9574 CW TPR Adoption Services - Agency Match 3573 CW TPR Adoption Services Reporting Report 100% of costs incurred for legal services relating to termination of parental rights (TPR) and placement of children for adoption. Expenditures reported on line 3573 will be paid on line 3574 (TPR Adoption Federal) and will be limited to the current federal reimbursement rate of total costs reported. The remaining amount of reported expenditures will be allocated to line 9574 (Legal Services Match). This is a non-reimbursable line used to show the agency’s local share. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 38% • 2017 - 39% Child Welfare 9574 CW TPR Adoption Services - Agency Match 9574 CW Legal Services Funding Title IV-E - Agency Match Child Welfare 9604 CW WiSACWIS - Agency Match 3601 CW WiSACWIS Related Program Staff Report 100% of WiSACWIS program staff costs on this line and these will allocate to line 3604 for payment based upon the federal reimbursement rate. The remainder will allocate to line 9604 WiSACWIS Match. Line 9604 is not reimbursable. It is used to show the County's share. There is no prepayment for this program. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 38% Child Welfare 9604 CW WiSACWIS - Agency Match 3602 CW WiSACWIS Related IT Staff Report 100% of WiSACWIS IT County and contract staff costs on this line and these will allocate to line 3604 for payment based upon the federal reimbursement rate. The remainder will allocate to line 9604 WiSACWIS Match. Line 9604 is not reimbursable. It is used to show the County's share. There is no prepayment for this program. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 38% Child Welfare 9604 CW WiSACWIS - Agency Match 3603 CW WiSACWIS Related Equipment Report 100% of WiSACWIS equipment costs on this line and these will allocate to line 3604 for payment based upon the federal reimbursement rate. The remainder will allocate to line 9604 WiSACWIS Match. Line 9604 is not reimbursable. It is used to show the County's share. There is no prepayment for this program. Reimbursement Rate: • 2016 - 38% Child Welfare 9681 CW Children and Family Allocations - Agency Match 9681 CW Children and Family Allocations Over Contract - Agency Match FOR STATE USE ONLY. DO NOT ENTER COSTS ON THE SPARC Expenditure Report. Costs moved here from SPARC Line 3561 are reimbursed at 50% up to the contract level. The costs removed from SPARC Line 3561 will be moved 50% to SPARC Line 3681 and 50% to 9681 to show the agency’s match. The State will move costs here after the full year’s Children and Families Allocation is loaded. Child Welfare 3344A CW PS Program Payments Yr 2017-2018 3344A CW PS Program Payments Yr 2017~2018 The Department will provide funding to the county for children enrolled in the P.S. program at a rate of $36.13 per day ($1,100 per month) for up to 12 months on this SPARC line. Child Welfare 3354A CW PS Program Recovery Take Back Yr 2017~2018 3354A CW PS Program Recovery Take Back Yr 2017~2018 Child Welfare 3360A CW Youth Independent Living 3360A CW Youth Independent Living Enter all related costs for establishing and carrying out Independent Living Programs for eligible youth in substitute care. Costs reported on line 3360 will be allocated 80% to be reimbursed up to the contract amount. The remaining 20% will allocate to Line 9360 to show the agencies match. Costs reported over the contract amount may be moved by the county to line 3561 for payment if the 3561 is not fully spent. Child Welfare 3398A CW Education and Training Vouchers 3398A CW Education and Training Vouchers Enter all related costs for this program. These funds must be used for post-secondary education, training and related activities for youth eligible for independent living services as described in DCFS Memo Series 2003-10. Costs reported on line 3398 will be allocated 80% to be reimbursed up to the contract amount. The remaining 20% will allocate to Line 9398 to show the agencies match. Costs reported over the contract amount may be moved by the county to line 3561 for payment if the 3561 is not fully spent. Child Welfare 9360A CW Youth Independent Living - Agency Match 3360A CW Youth Independent Living Enter all related costs for establishing and carrying out Independent Living Programs for eligible youth in substitute care. Costs reported on line 3360 will be allocated 80% to be reimbursed up to the contract amount. The remaining 20% will allocate to Line 9360 to show the agencies match. Costs reported over the contract amount may be moved by the county to line 3561 for payment if the 3561 is not fully spent. Child Welfare 9398A CW Education and Tarining Vouchers - Agency Match 3398A CW Education and Training Vouchers Enter all related costs for this program. These funds must be used for post-secondary education, training and related activities for youth eligible for independent living services as described in DCFS Memo Series 2003-10. Costs reported on line 3398 will be allocated 80% to be reimbursed up to the contract amount. The remaining 20% will allocate to Line 9398 to show the agencies match. Costs reported over the contract amount may be moved by the county to line 3561 for payment if the 3561 is not fully spent. Child Welfare 3940 PDS Partnership Fees 3940 PDS Partnership Fees The PDS fee is part of the state-county contract starting in CY17. As part of our effort to streamline Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System (WCWPDS), DCF has shifted the collection of the partnership fee. DCF now takes PDS fee from Children and Family Allocation (CFA #3561) instead of receiving an invoice from PDS. DCF then adds the funding directly back to the CFA contract. Other 983 Liens and Levys Collection Fees 983 Lien and Levy Collection Fees Other 965 Food Stamp Agency Incentives 965 Food Stamp Agency Incentives The state will enter 15% of FS collections for fraud and client error types. This state adjustment includes recoupments, offsets, coupons returned all cash and non-cash adjustments, transfers and refunds. The state will use CARES reports CBV262RA, Monthly Overpayment Collections by Agency and CBV066RA, AFDC/W2/FS Claim Activity, to calculate the amount reported on this code. Other 975 AFDC Agency Incentives 975 AFDC Agency Incentives The state will enter 15% of AFDC collections for fraud and client error types. This state adjustment includes recoupments, offsets, returns, all cash and non-cash adjustments, transfers and refunds. The state will use CARES reports CBV262RA, Monthly Overpayment Collections by Agency and CBV066RA, AFDC/W2/FS Claim Activity, to calculate the amount reported on this code. Other 980 Medicaid Agency Incentives 980 Medicaid Agency Incentives The state will enter 15% of Medicaid collections for fraud and client error types. This State adjustment includes recoupments, offsets, returns, all cash and non-cash adjustments, transfers and refunds. The state will use CARES reports CBV262RA, Monthly Overpayment Collections by Agency and CBV066RA, AFDC/W2/FS Claim Activity, to calculate the amount reported on this code. Juvenile Justice 3410 JJ Community Intervention Program 3410 JJ Community Intervention Program Report all costs incurred in the implementation of Community Intervention Program plan. Juvenile Justice 3411 JJ AODA 3411 JJ AODA Report all expenses for provision or purchase of AODA services for juveniles and their families who are members of the Youth Aids Target Population in accordance with s. 301.26, Wis. Stats., and children at risk of becoming members of the Youth Aids Target Population. Juvenile Justice 3412 JJ Early Intervention 3412 JJ Early Intervention Report all costs incurred in the implementation of Early Intervention plan. Juvenile Justice 3413 JJ Youth Aids 3413 JJ Youth Aids Report all expenses for the provision or purchase of delinquency or delinquency-related services for juveniles and their families who are members of the Youth Aids Target Population in accordance with s. 301.26, Wis. Stats., and children at risk of becoming members of the Youth Aids Target Population. Expenditures in excess of the contract amount for AODA may also be charged here.