CANPB Codes A list of SPARC codes for Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Board contracts Category Contract Code Contract Code Description Line Code Line Code Description Definition and Examples of Allocatable Activities CANPB 6085 DPI America Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth 6085 DPI America Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth Report costs related to the DPI Family Resource Center Resource Navigators Homelessness Grant , staff time for direct service and training, other costs are defined in contract. CANPB 6085C Concrete Supports 6085C America Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth Report costs for concrete supports for families being served by the DPI FRC Resource Navigator as defined in the contract. CANPB 6086 DPI America Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth 6086 Concrete Supports Report costs related to the DPI Family Resource Center Resource Navigators Homelessness grant, staff time for direct service and training, other costs are defined in contract. CANPB 6086C Concrete Supports 6086C Concrete Supports Report costs for concrete supports for families being served by the DPI FRC Resource Navigator as defined in the contract. CANPB 6087 Tribal Prevention Grant Connecting Resources & Child Care 6087 Tribal Prevention Grant Connecting Resources & Child Care Report costs related to the CCDBG Tribal Grant reimbursement for staff time working with regulated childcare providers to provide direct services to families with a child attending childcare, trainings for staff and child care providers, and other costs as defined in the contract. CANPB 6088 Child Care and Development Block Grant ARPA 6088 CCDBG ARPA Report costs related to the CCDBG activities for staff time working with regulated childcare providers to provide direct services to families with a child attending childcare, trainings for staff and child care providers, and other costs as defined in the contract. CANPB 6089 Innovative Projects 6089 Innovative Projects Report costs related to the CCDBG Resources Grant for staff time working with regulated childcare providers to provide direct services to families with a child attending childcare, trainings for staff and child care providers, and other costs as defined in the contract. CANPB 6090F Primary Prevention ARPA COVID 6090F Primary Prevention ARPA Report costs related to the primary prevention activities as defined in the contract. CANPB 6091 Abusive Head Trauma Prevention 6091 Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Report costs related to implementing abusive head trauma prevention programming, staff time for training and delivering Period of PURPLE crying, materials for the caregivers, and other deliverables as defined in the contract. CANPB 6091A Abusive Head Trauma Prevention 6091A Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Report costs related to implementing abusive head trauma prevention programming, staff time for training and delivering Period of PURPLE crying, materials for the caregivers, and other deliverables as defined in the contract. CANPB 6092 Child Sexual Abuse Prevention 6092 Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Report costs related to trainings and technical assistance for child sexual abuse prevention services as defined in the contract. CANPB 6093 Evidence-informed Parent Education Programming 6093 Evidence-Informed Parent Education Programming Report costs related to implementing evidence-informed parent education programming, including staff time for working directly with families, training for staff, materials for families participating in the programming, and other deliverables as defined in the contract. CANPB 6094F Family Support ARPA COVID 6094F CANPB Family Support ARPA COVID Report costs related to implementing programs and services that increase knowledge of parenting and child development as primary prevention, including staff time for working directly with families, training for staff, materials for families participating in the programming, and other deliverables as defined in the contract. CANPB 6094G Family Support 6094G Family Support Report costs related to food for programs and services in other 6094 contracts. CANPB 6094J Family Support ARPA COVID 6094J CANPB Family Support ARPA COVID Report costs related to implementing programs and services that support culture and traditions as primary prevention, including staff time for working directly with families, training for staff, materials for families participating in the programming, and other deliverables as defined in the contract. CANPB 6094L Family Support ARPA COVID 6094L Family Support ARPA COVID Report costs related to implementing programs and services that build social and emotional competence as primary prevention, including staff time for working directly with families, training for staff, materials for families participating in the programming, and other deliverables as defined in the contract. CANPB 6094R Family Support ARPA COVID 6094R Family Support ARPA COVID Report costs related to implementing programs and services that build social connections and parental resilience as primary prevention, including staff time for working directly with families, training for staff, materials for families participating in the programming, and other deliverables as defined in the contract. CANPB 6095 Protective Factors 6095 Protective Factors Report costs related to the Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work and Five for Families trainings, including reimbursing the parent co-presenter for prep and delivering training, materials for the trainings and other deliverables as defined in the contract. CANPB 6096 Parent Education Initiative 6096 Parent Education Initiative Report costs related to trainings and technical assistance for supporting evidence-based parent education programming, including staff time for coordinating trainings, training costs, staff time for community of practices, creating support materials and purchasing materials for trainings. Other deliverables may be defined in the contract. CANPB 6098 Family Resource Center Preschool Development Grant 6098 Family Resource Center Preschool Development Grant Report costs related to supporting the FRC Network with preschool development grant funds, including staff time prepping and offering trainings, facilitating community of practices, coordinating trainings, creating materials, purchasing required materials for trainings. Other deliverables may be defined in the contract. CANPB 6099 Preschool Development Grant Family Resource Center 6099 PDG FRC Report costs related to FRC staffing, trainings, services and programming with preschool development grant funds as defined in the contract. CANPB 6099A Family Resource Center 6099A FRC Report costs related to FRC staffing, trainings, services and programming as defined in the contract. CANPB 6099B Family Resource Center Network 6099B PDG FRC Report costs related to FRC staffing, trainings, services and programming as defined in the contract. CANPB 6110 FRC Quality 6110 FRC Quality CANPB 6115 Triple P Expansion 6115 Triple P Expansion