Department of Children and Families SPARC System for Payment and Reports of Contracts SPARC Login SPARC System Processes and Website Updates To Access SPARC Users need to use their WIEXT ID to access SPARC. If a user does not have a WIEXT ID, they will need to set one up using the WIEXT ID Set up Instructions. SPARC Report Adjustments Agencies have 60 days after the month ends to submit a modified report in the SPARC portal. Submitting a modified report will replace the original report and should include all incurred expenditures for the month. If you have questions about how to submit a revised report or cannot access a month that needs to be revised, please contact the SPARC accountants. Funding Sources DCF Funding Sources for 2024 have been published. SPARC Processes SPARC is the DCF system for monitoring and paying grant contracts to DCF sub-recipients using the following codes: Contract code Line Code Class Code Process Document Upload Instructions SPARC is a Replacement System. DocuSign is the process signing contracts. Contract payment dates from DCF are included in contract language. Contracts will appear in the Reports tab when approved by DCF not when signed by agency. Payments will be processed only after agency signs contract using docusign. Agency Reports We have added the ability for you get your agency's information on an individual report. Check out your Agency Reports on the Agency Dashboard. Closing Grants on SPARC and Filing Final Reports After reconciling the grant expenditures and payments, enter the final numbers on the report for the last month of the grant. For example, for contracts ending in December 2024, agencies have until March 1, 2025 to submit their final expense to close out the contracts. To close out a contract ending in December, select DECEMBER 2024 as the expense month/year, open the report and only change the amount on lines that need to be revised. Enter the new final total, not the change amount. If no revisions are needed, no actions are needed. DCF will run the close out payment in mid-March. Unique Entity Identifier DUNS numbers have been replaced by UEI numbers in 2022. SPARC Resources Training Presentation - RMS RMTS Rosters and Cost Pools This presentation was created for the Wisconsin Human Services Financial Managers Association (WHSFMA) conference May 2018. New Financial Manager Training Presentation - Using SPARC and Cost Pools This presentation was created for the Wisconsin Human Services Financial Managers Association (WHSFMA) New Employee Orientation September 2018.
EDITS YOU MAKE HERE WILL NOT APPEAR, please update the block SPARC Home instead. System for Payment and Reporting of Contracts SPARC Login SPARC System Processes and Website Updates To Access SPARC Users need to use their WIEXT ID to access SPARC. If a user does not have a WIEXT ID, they will need to set one up using the WIEXT ID Set up Instructions. Notice of Change to Contract Terms --90 to 60 Day Closeout Effective for all standard contracts beginning on or after 1/1/2023, agencies will have 60 calendar days to submit the final expense report using the SPARC portal. Older adjustments during the term of the contract, if needed, can be processed by the SPARC accountants. Please refer to the contract terms and conditions for details on each specific contract. Final reports for contracts that end December 31, 2023 are due February 29, 2024 Funding Sources DCF Funding Sources for 2024 have been published. SPARC Processes SPARC is the DCF system for monitoring and paying grant contracts to DCF sub-recipients using the following codes: Contract code Line Code Class Code Process Document Upload Instructions SPARC is a Replacement System. DocuSign is the process signing contracts. Contract payment dates from DCF are included in contract language. Contracts will appear in the Reports tab when approved by DCF not when signed by agency. Payments will be processed only after agency signs contract using docusign. Agency Reports We have added the ability for you get your agency's information on an individual report. Check out your Agency Reports on the Agency Dashboard. Closing Grants on SPARC and Filing Final Reports After reconciling the grant expenditures and payments, enter the final numbers on the report for the last month of the grant, For example, for contracts ending in December 2023, agencies have until February 29, 2024 to submit their final expense to close out the contracts. To close out a contract ending in December, select DECEMBER 2023 as the expense month/year, open the report and only change the amount on lines that need to be revised. Enter the new final total, not the change amount. If no revisions are needed, no actions are needed. DCF will run the close out payment in mid-March. Unique Entity Identifier DUNS numbers have been replaced by UEI numbers in 2022. SPARC Resources Training Presentation - RMS RMTS Rosters and Cost Pools This presentation was created for the Wisconsin Human Services Financial Managers Association (WHSFMA) conference May 2018. New Financial Manager Training Presentation - Using SPARC and Cost Pools This presentation was created for the Wisconsin Human Services Financial Managers Association (WHSFMA) New Employee Orientation September 2018.